Sunday, April 15, 2007

how to link to others?

hello everyone who came. i just realised i am not the only one who cant figure out how to link my blog to other people's. haha.. seems like minghan also has this problem. anyway, i found this in the help section:

How do I edit my link list?
Note: This article only applies to blogs using a classic template. If you are using the new Layouts template, please see our Help article here to learn how to add or edit a link list.
Many of Blogger's default templates have a link section in them already. To see it, log in to your blog and then click on the Template tab. Scroll down through the code until you see something like this in the sidebar section:

You can see there are a few links already in there to get you started. You can delete or edit these as you like. You can also add as many more links as you want.
If you have a template without a links section, you can simply copy the code above and paste it into your template. You'll probably want it in the sidebar, perhaps next to the archives or previous posts list.
To change a link, paste its URL in place of "http://EDITME" in the above example, or in place of one of the default links that comes with your template. Then change the "Edit-Me" text to say what you want to appear on your blog. Finally, save your changes.


Miss K said...

Go to Template > Page Elements

That allows you to do it with blogger's layout editor. Less troublesome.

miNghaN said...

lolZ. thanks. btw, some of the blog addresses in the mail have some spelling error or smthing. can't access Daphne and Jia MIn's blogs. HAd to remove the "." b4 accessing Daphne's blog.

miNghaN said...

btw, i am minghan.

benjamin said...

i'm not very sure about the wrong blog addresses. i probably typed it wrongly.. haha sry. btw, i will try to contact jiamin and ask her if the add is correct. :)